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*DISCLAIMER: Availability vary by service address. not all offers available in all areas, pricing subject to change at any time. Additional taxes, fees, and terms may apply.
Still can’t decide? Use our side-by-side comparison chart to make an informed decision.
1000 Mbps
High-speed Internet tailored for busy households with demanding needs
1000 Mbps
Turbocharged internet is ideal for exceptional gaming performance
1000 Mbps
Connect to the robust and fiber-rich Xtream network for a powerful internet experience
2000 Mbps
most acclaimed network for internet speed and customer satisfaction
new-kent, va is well-connected with a diverse range of Internet connection types to its residents, each with with its own advantages and considerations. These connection types include Cable, DSL, Fiber, Streaming. Understanding these options can help you make an informed decision based on your needs and location.